
Pendleton City Council approves new water pump station | Local News |

PENDLETON — The city of Pendleton boosted the infrastructure for its big future housing development site for almost $2.5 million.

The city council at its meeting Tuesday night, Oct. 17, voted to accept a bid for almost $2.477,701 to upgrade a booster water pumping station for the Rees-Goad project on the east side of the city. According to the city, the approval should make the large proposed housing project more buildable, providing increased capacity for the existing pressure zone around Interstate 84 Exit 201 and the newly formed 250-acre reimbursement district of developable land. Solar Powered Pond Pump

Pendleton City Council approves new water pump station | Local News |

“It's a big piece of ground that we've been trying to build up a revolving loan fund so that we could build an arterial road and put the infrastructure in for future housing development,” City Manager Robb Corbett said. “This is a booster pump station for the water because it's at a different elevation. One of the issues we have is we have all these varying elevations because we live in this valley, and so it's up high, and we have to get high enough water pressure.”

The city received four bids for the project, and the council selected Mike Becker, of La Grande on a vote of 8-0. Councilor Dale Primmer was absent.

• The council approved the extension of a contract with the city of Hermiston to provide Pendleton with information technology services.

From Nov. 1, 2022, to Oct. 31, 2023, the service is costing the city $150,000. Under the new agreement, the cost from Nov. 1 to June 30, 2024 will be $103,000. The cost of support services for 24 hours a week for fiscal year 2024 will be $153,000.

Corbett said the price is an increase of 3% from the previous contract. The council passed the measure 8-0.

• The council heard the first reading of Ordinance 4006, which requests the rezoning of 5.04 acres in the neighborhood of WalMart from the present M-1 light industrial to central-mixed Use. The principal applicant is Richard Hunsaker of Eugene. The council at its meeting Nov. 7 will hear the second reading and conduct a public hearing.

• City attorney Nancy Kern in a last-minute addition to the council’s agenda requested the hiring of another pro tem court judge, due to a recent trial situation when the present two judges were not able to serve.

• The council voted 8-0 to hire Hermiston Municipal Court Judge Cameron Bendixsen to share pro tem duties with the present two judges.

• Corbett also gave the council a briefing about his visit to the recent League of Oregon Cities conference, which Councilors McKennon McDonald, Linda Neuman and Carole Innes also attended, where homelessness and artificial intelligence were topics of discussion.

• Mayor John Turner issued a congratulatory proclamation to Altrusa in celebration of the 85th birthday of that community service organization.

PENDLETON — Pendleton has set the stage for new development on hundreds of acres.

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Pendleton City Council approves new water pump station | Local News |

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