Looking for shark teeth in Florida? Here’s how to get lucky in Venice, the world’s "shark tooth capital."
Sharks shed between 30,000 and 50,000 teeth in their lifetime, giving plenty of opportunities to find some at the beach. 23tf Bucket Teeth

The gulf beaches around Venice are a goldmine for fossilized shark teeth. Make sure to check out Caspersen Beach, Casey Key and Manasota Key. A good place to start when searching for shark teeth will be the Venice Fishing Pier. There, you’ll be able to rent a Venice “snow shovel,” a screened basket perfect for finding teeth.
When Florida was under water 10 million years ago, it was filled with sharks, and the coastal area that Venice sits on fossil layer that expands up to 35-feet deep, according to Visit Sarasota website.

Adapter The best time to look for shark teeth is just after a storm when the waves expose a new layer of sand. Once you have all your gear, walk to the shoreline where the waves are crashing. While the waves break, scoop up the sifter a few feet into the water and sort through the sand and shells for a smooth, shark tooth.