
Hybrid Inverter Comparison Table - SolarQuotes

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Hybrid Inverter Comparison Table - SolarQuotes

Compare hybrid solar inverter prices and specifications with our regularly updated hybrid inverter comparison table, which shows various models available in Australia. Discover which hybrid inverter solution may be best for your home or business.

  Hit ‘Expand’ for full screen. Scroll within the table to see all the rows and columns. See notes below the table. Any corrections, additions or feedback? Email us.

SolarEdge Smart Energy Hub (8.25-10 kW)

No formal policy, says it audits manufacturers.

One product per row, with no images

One product per column, with product pictures

We’ll endeavour to update this comparison table frequently as more of these products become available in Australia, and specifications and prices of existing hybrid inverters change.

Please note prices displayed above are our best estimate of retail pricing incl GST, unless specifically noted otherwise – but these are only estimates.

A hybrid inverter (also known as a multi-mode inverter) is capable of managing the electricity output of solar panels and charging a battery system; while also operating with mains grid supply. Given this extended capability, prices tend to be higher compared to a standard string solar inverter.

Hybrid solar inverters represent a true ‘battery ready’ inverter setup, as described in our article on the truth about battery ready systems. But you don’t have to have a hybrid inverter for a battery system. Using a method called “AC coupling”, you can retrofit batteries to any existing solar system regardless of what inverter you have.

Our non-hybrid inverter comparison table can be found here.

You would think a hybrid inverter, which is specially designed to handle batteries and solar together, would be able to easily switch over to battery back-up for your house in the event of a blackout. But, surprisingly, this isn’t always the case – so under the “Does backup?” row in the above table, we’ve ranked the compared hybrid inverters from level 0-3 based on their ability to provide power to your home from a battery bank in the event of a blackout:

This row indicates if we found the hybrid inverter manufacturer has policies for addressing modern slavery/forced labour risks. TBD indicates this is yet to be determined and “failed to respond” indicates our enquiries did not receive a reply. Where provided, in-depth analysis of a hybrid inverter manufacturer’s statement/policy has not been performed.

Looking for energy storage solution specifications? Check out our battery comparison table.

>> Next: How to buy a hybrid solar power system >>

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