
WEBINAR - From Data to Optimisation: Gas Flow Analysis in the Cement Industry | World Cement

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In this webinar, Hans Georg Conrads, CEO of PROMECON, will explain the measurement technology in detail. The basic advantages are discussed and application examples in a typical cement plant are shown. Examples include the optimisation of combustion parameters, the lowering of NOx as well as the reduction of fan power. flat hammer

WEBINAR - From Data to Optimisation: Gas Flow Analysis in the Cement Industry | World Cement

Cement production requires a lot of gas flow. The grinding process of the raw material as well as the complete pyro section of the process are all based around the transport of limestone and cement as well as the heat exchange and chemical reaction of the pulverised limestone and clinker. A large portion of the total electrical energy consumed by a cement plant goes into fan power. Fans are also a key component when it comes to process control, whether it be raw mill gas flow or the control of the downcomer flow by ID fans.

The most critical element, the gas flow itself, is rarely measured correctly. This has consequences starting from wrong operating points within the fan curve, via overdrafting of large pulverisers up to fluctuations in the pyroprocess because of swinging air and gas flows inside the process.

PROMECON has invented a gas flow measurement system which is digital and does not require any delta pressure in order to measure the gas velocity. The measurement is a digital time of flight measurement, which is 100% drift free and not sensitive to swirl in the gas. This enables measurement to be easily accessible to the operators and can hence be used in the optimiser of the plant's control system to run the process flatter lined and with lower energy consumption.

In this webinar, the measurement principle will be explained in detail, including how it differs from any other conventional measurement principle. Various examples will be given in order to demonstrate how to measure gas flows and the associated benefits for the plant. The webinar will cover examples from the downcomer, raw mill, clinker cooler, bypass duct, tertiary air duct and finished product mill. Additionally, references will be given from various sites.

An extensive Q&A session will allow you to put questions forward to understand how your plant can be enhanced in terms of energy consumption and process quality as well as environmental compliance.

Click here to sign up for free!

CEO of PROMECON process measurement control GmbH

WEBINAR - From Data to Optimisation: Gas Flow Analysis in the Cement Industry | World Cement

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