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SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WTVO) — A bill to end e-cigarettes in Illinois’ public places is now one step closer to becoming law, passing both the House and the Senate.
The state passed the “Smoke Free Illinois Act” back in 2007. It banned smoking within 15 feet of entrances.
The bill would include vaping and e-cigarettes as part of the ban if it becomes law.
Supporters of the proposal said that it will not only help protect people from second-hand smoke if it becomes law.
“The second effect, I think, is just making people aware of the treatment of electronic cigarettes as just as dangerous as other cigarette products,” said Ally Lopshire of American Cancer Society Cancer Action. “And, we know that vaping starts at a young age, and it’s addictive, so, this is also going to bring a lot of awareness around that.”
The bill now waits for Governor JB Pritzker’s signature. Illinois would join 17 other states that have prohibited e-cigarettes indoors if signed into law.
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