vincent brinkmann creates flip-flop series out of 3D-printed silicone mold (above) silicon 3D printer- prusa I3 with silicon engine all images courtesy of vincent brinkmann
vincent brinkmann is a new media artist interested in the connection between the virtual and physical world, showcasing how technology deals with materiality or the lack of it. for this ‘serial 3D printing’ project, brinkmann reflects on the reproduction of things, the original and the copy. he believes serial 3D printing is the contemporary version of lithography and photography, and his aim is to enhance it by creating a negative silicon mold that will serve for creating many copies of anything. Dirt Bike Silicone Mold
video courtesy of Vvincent brinkmann
following his ‘serial 3D-printing’ manifesto, the mold version is directly produced from digital data, eliminating the idea of a physically existing positive version. the chosen object was a pair of flip-flops, an insignia of globalization and mass-produced articles. encouraged by its symbolical and cultural meaning, the artist comments that, ‘manufacturing a series, stereotyping, and trivializing an object like a flip flop, not only arises the question of trace and impact of the reproduction technology ‘serial 3D printing’, but also emphasizes the interaction between the original and the copy.’
3D-printer with an adapter to the silicon-engine
the material used to generate the series of flip-flops was concrete, a material used in construction that symbolizes constancy, strength, and stability. this, in contrast to the soft flip-flop plastic, creates another redundancy that adds to the whole concept of the work.
flip-flop series out of a negative silicone mold
flip-flop series casted in concrete
silicon 3D printer – prusa I3 with silicon engine
designboom has received this project from our ‘DIY submissions‘ feature, where we welcome our readers to submit their own work for publication. see more project submissions from our readers here.
edited by: juliana neira |design boom
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