
State Police seek catalytic converter thief

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State Police say this vehicle is linked to catalytic converter thefts in three South Jersey towns. Catalytic Converter Uses

State Police seek catalytic converter thief

State Police are looking to identify a suspect who allegedly stole catalytic converters from vehicles in Upper Township, Somers Point and Northfield.

Between 3 and 5 a.m. Monday, a suspect was captured on video removing the exhaust emission control devices from numerous vehicles before fleeing the scene, State Police said in a news release. The suspect was believed to be driving a white BMW SUV with an unknown license plate.

Catalytic converters are easily stolen and contain precious metals including platinum.

Anyone with additional information or who may have been a victim can call the State Police Troop A Woodbine Station at 609-861-5698. Anonymous tips are welcome.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Theft of catalytic converters is on the rise as thieves look to take advantage of a spike in prices of rare metals contained within the device…

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State Police say this vehicle is linked to catalytic converter thefts in three South Jersey towns.

State Police seek catalytic converter thief

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