This series is part of the TechXchange: PCB Tools and Technology and it is in the EDA and and PCB Technology section of the Electronic Design Library.
Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are the backbone of the electronics industry. New technologies and approaches have allowed some electronic solutions to be built without a fixed or flexible PCB of some sort, but the PCB remains an integral part of most electronic products. Though a copper-clad insulated board might seem like a simple idea, PCBs these days are a far cry from the single-sided PCBs that started the trend. Designers need to consider RF issues, multilayer issues, surface-mount technology (SMT), and much more. Pcb Design Board
Cnc Services PCB technology is something that Electronic Design follows, and this series is a collection of some of the best articles on the subject. Our PCB Tools and Technology TechXchange contains articles our editors have selected that may wind up in these eBooks, and our Printed Circuit Board channel presents the latest articles.