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Let us help you with your inquiries, brochures and pricing requirements
I8-M70 model is a mid range incinerator, giving you quality design and engineering.
The i8-M70 is a medium capacity model from our range of specialist "M" incinerators which are optimized for medical waste disposal. The addition of a dedicated PLC control panel, I.D. fan and increased insulation improves performance and provides all-round suitability for many different types of medical, clinical, pharmaceutical and hazardous waste streams. You get controlled air incineration, providing optimal combustion conditions for different waste types.
All our incinerators are hand-built in the UK by time-served welders and fabricators.
Our award winning design team are always on hand to offer their advice and technical know-how to ensure we get your project off the ground without delay. We can also assist you in the preparation for your planning or permit application where required.
For reference only, not to be used for installation purposes. * All burn rates are dependant on the calorific value of the waste being incinerate. Atmospheric conditions,fuel (gas/oil) quality, additonal accessories (autoloader, de-asher) can also have a major impact on actual burn rates.
You can also compare our models on our incinerator quick reference page
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